Communication tower selection cable tower structure method more, it can be built on the ground or rack on the roof, its interests are light, save the material, the overall cost is cheaper, the disadvantage is the larger area.
The structure of the communication tower There are two types of calculation methods on the base of the tower. The first category is calculated by the elastic support beam method, that is, the rope is calculated according to the cable, and the rope node is used as the elastic support to calculate the shaft. The method of accounting for the height of the cable tower is not appropriate, for the primary election cable tower program and scale is also very convenient. The second type is the equivalent beam element method to calculate the shaft, that is, the shaft as a bending member, with the matrix displacement method, this method not only consider the spatial and non-linear characteristics, but also consider the shaft axial Deformation effects, can be cut to reflect the role of the rope on the shaft to meet the shaft and the rope rope of the successive conditions, with high accuracy.
The structure of the communication tower The two types of accounting methods, the former is a simple method, which is accurate method, each type can be extended according to different assumptions into several other methods, such as the role of space to consider the three-way coordinate and shaft Finite element method for space trusses.