Technical News

February 20, 2018

The dimensions and technical requirements of the Tower

The dimensions and technical requirements of the Tower First, the generation of the work of the content: Party B is responsible for the daily cycle patrol […]
February 5, 2018

What is Communication steel tower

Material: Steel. Uses: for mobile/unicom/Traffic satellite positioning System (GPS) and other communications departments, communications base station, radar stations, airports, oil depots, missile positions, PHS and all […]
February 5, 2018

Welding Design Principle Of Steel Tower

Overhead transmission line through the wire with insulators and gold set on the tower above, so that the wire to the ground and buildings to maintain […]
February 5, 2018

How to build the foundation of communication tower

In the selected telecommunications tower construction address, if you want to establish a high quality, good security of the communications tower, you must use the independent […]
February 5, 2018

communication tower structure

Communication tower selection cable tower structure method more, it can be built on the ground or rack on the roof, its interests are light, save the […]